Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Give Nothing Took Everything

Trade result from $25, I did it for 3 weeks only, it was not bad at all:

Journal Trade

Another trade with LR_TSF, on GBP/USD at the end pf December 2012, it was Not Bad at all.

Intraday Trade With LR_TSF

Play for some pips by using LR_TSF On the smallest TF M1.
intraday Trade

Ready For 2012

This is My strategy, and I am ready for 2012.
Basic Of my system is LR_TSF and i am really proud of It.

Rules Of Trading

However, it doesn’t matter if you trade currencies or stocks, long term or short term, these trading rules will help you in every market. You could also consider printing them out on paper and placing them close to your screen or trading desk. These rules are stressed as keys to success, and it’s really very fulfilling when someone has incorporated them into his methodology and has had good success trading.
important rules of trading
Important Rules Of Trading :

a. Be disciplined
b. Use money management in your trading
c. The market is never to high to buy or to low to sell
d. Every trader has losses, don’t let your losses get to you psychologically
e. There is no such thing as a holy grail. Use common sense along with your method of trading. If your indicators are telling you one thing but the market is obviously doing something else, listen to the market
f. The market is always right
g. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose
h. Only trade markets you are sufficiently capitalized for
i. Don’t try and regain all your losses in one trade
j. Don’t blindly follow someone else’s recommendations. Do your own homework
If it’s not going well, take a break for a few days or weeks
. Get back when you are mind is at peace
k. Don’t trade too many markets. It’s better to be an expert in one market than a novice in many
l. Be patient. Wait for the right opportunities. Don’t just trade for the sake of trading
m. If the reason you entered the trade is no longer there, get out
n. Always use a protective spot to limit your losses
o. Always have a game plan. Never enter a trade unless you know where you should get in and where your exit is
p. Always cut your losses and let your profits run. Take small losses and large wins
q. If your method of trading is working don’t change it!
r. By the time you enter a trade you should already know what you are about to do and what you expect from the trade. Placing the trade should be the easiest part of trading. If you are still trying to work things out when entering that particular trade you are not ready for that trade
T. The market is not fighting you, so you shouldn’t fight it back


This is my trading plans for EA and AU, 0.94xx will be next for AUD-USD

My EU Trade Plans

After moving forward to 1.29xx, Probably EU could be goes to 1.28xx then 1.25xx, it’s about 400 pips more, i have big risk to put my swing trade, for my self D1, and H4 is on the bottom already, so i just put my some positions for EU with several target.
For Intraday Trade, I will follow my own rule, take the advantage on the smallest TF but still with my big map.

Akhir 2011

Trading pada akhir bulan december 2011, bulan-bulan sebelumnya bisa dikatakan luar biasa, akhir bulan ini, parah..Predeksi awal yang memang sudah jadi akan ke situ kembali mentah.
Next will be better.

Apa Itu Forex Trading

Beuh serem kata tersebut “forex trading”, banyak orang merinding dan alergi dengan kata kata tersebut pro kotranya banyak, ada yang bilang haram ada pokoknya “anti”, katanya banyak mudhorotnya daripada manfaatnya, nah kalau urusan fiqihnya di google aja banyak kok hukum secara islamnya bagaimana tentang forex trading ini.
Kita ke intinya saja, Forex Trading atau Valuta Asing gak jauh ama jual beli mata uang, kalau gampangnya seperti money changer, dimana si pelaku pasar dalam hal ini kita sebut trader, akan mendapatkan keuntungan ketika satu mata uang menguat atau melemah terhadapa mata uang lainnya bahasa kerennya “two side opportunities”.
Bedanya kalau money changer dilakukan langsung kalau forex ini bisa dilakukan online atau by phone lewar broker atau dealer.
yang menyebabkan orang banyak alergi pada forex karena banyakan pemain (trader) forex gagal, bahkan banyak yang bonyok, precentacenya mayan gede 95% dari trader terutama pemula GAGAL, sadis kan betapa galaknya market forex ini.
Skill, kontrol emosi, faham akan tekhnikal serta pengaturan money management sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjadi seorang trader handal. Bla blanya banyak bertebaran di net, jika ingin tahu lebih rinci tentang system dan segalanya, nanti kita bahas satu satu.

Awal Ngeblog Lagi

Ceritanya ngeblog lagi tentang keseharian, dan apa yang mungkin bermanfaat buat kita semua.
Hehehe dulu mah gaya punya domain sendiri, sekarang nebeng karena aku sudah males utak atik tool design, PHP, SQL, dsb, palingan ngurus blog blog adsense saja yang masih setia sampai kini ngasilin buat aku, ceritanya lagi asyik nekuni nyari duit di internet dengan trading cita citanya sih pengen jadiin trading for living, ya semoga saja, mungkin disini aku akan banyak nulis tentang trading saja siapa tahu berguna dan bermanfaat buat yang membutuhkannya.
Qqsamudra's Blog

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